Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final Results

I am happy to report that this was a HUGE success.  I developed this cleanse and I wasn't fully aware of what it was capable of.  The results were astonishing!   Many losing a pound a day on average some exceeded a 10 lb loss in 10 days!  The BEST part???  They KEPT the weight off!  With detailed instructions on how to come off the cleanse, participants kept the weight off and continued with their nutrition plans I had already created them without weight gain and continued a steady state weight loss. 

I am very proud of the participants.  Some did not make it, but some exceeded my expectations.  Overall, great success!  I'm very proud of my team!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 days to go!

We had some lessons learned over the last few days!  When you cheat after eating clean...the body responds and it HURTS!  It's a perfect lesson of what you put in your body DOES effect it and your body WILL tell you!  Our cheaters regret the cheat and are now back on plan!  Because of this very valuable lesson...less cheats will happen!  Eat clean, the body feels great...Eat crap...the body retaliates.  

2 days and 2 contenders STILL completely on target!  2-3 completely fell off and the rest...fell, but hopped back on! 

One person has reported a 11 pound total loss.  Once at 13 (cheated, now at 11).  Way to go!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

5 down 5 to go!

Our team had lunch today and wow!  A table full of WINNERS!  What a team we have.  Focused determined individuals out to win the battle against food, gain health, energy and ....bonus...the body image they are after!

The average weight loss at the table was 5 lbs = 1 lb a day!  WOW!  What they don't know....but will after reading this...there will be a plan to come off the diet so they don't no binges on day 11!!! 

I'm very proud of my team and how well they are sticking with the program!  Rock Stars!! 

Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Half Way Thru Day 8

The team is doing well!  We are halfway through day 8!  Which means we get to have a small selected source of protein!  I think we could all use it!  Some had weaker workouts yesterday, but this is to be expected.  Today's jump in protein allowance should help all bounce back and be ready for another 2 days of the strict version of the cleanse.
Look at the hands!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

Today, our team started a whole new challenge.  For 10 days we will be embarking on one of the toughest challenges yet!  However, it shall be the most rewarding! 

Our Challengers consist of: 
Rahsaan Ali  - Marietta X3 Sports
Eva Rashad - Marietta X3 Sports
Rebecca Royster - Midtown X3 Sports
Kelly Sanders - Marietta X3 Sports
Anita Washington - Midtown X3 Sports
Kelly Cave - Marietta X3 Sports
Valerie Pearson - Marietta X3 Sports
Brittany Johnston - Marietta X3 Sports
Theo Harvey - Marietta X3 Sports
Myself - Caroline Brown - Both locations X3 Sports!

If you see a black number on the back of a hand, this is one of our team members!  Give them a shout out because they are embarking on the TOUGHEST challenge set this year!

What's our mission?  To detox our body and balance our PH while not going hungry!


Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!